Prabowo’s rivals prepare to file election disputes

The Anies-Muhaimin legal team, meanwhile, is compiling reports of alleged election fraud and has reported some instances to the Elections Supervisory Agency. Prabowo-Gibran campaigner Habiburokhman said his camp would “be ready” to face any election disputes.

Nur Janti and Dio Suhenda

Nur Janti and Dio Suhenda

The Jakarta Post


Indonesian citizens cast their votes in the 2024 general election at a polling station at the Kuala Lumpur World Trade Center in Malaysia on Feb. 11, 2024. PHOTO: ANTARA/ THE JAKARTA POST

February 19, 2024

JAKARTA – The camps of the two candidate pairs who, by the quick count figures, appear to have lost last week’s presidential election are preparing to challenge the results at the Constitutional Court with allegations of large-scale electoral fraud.

Various quick counts, including one released by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the Cyrus Network, show the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka ticket with some 58 percent of the vote from sampled polling stations, standing firmly ahead of the rival Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar and Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD tickets.

The official winners will be declared by March 20, after the General Elections Commission (KPU) finishes the official vote count.

The campaign teams of both the Anies-Muhaimin and Ganjar-Mahfud pairs said they would file cases with the Constitutional Court when it opens its three-day registration period for electoral disputes a day after the KPU announces the winners.

“We are currently preparing everything,” Ganjar-Mahfud MD campaign team lawyer Todung Mulya Lubis told The Jakarta Post on Sunday when asked about the possibility of filing a case.

The Anies-Muhaimin legal team, meanwhile, is compiling reports of alleged election fraud and has reported some instances to the Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu).

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