Ball stops rolling for growth in Cambodia’s latex exports
In light of the disappointing January-July export performance, the General Directorate of Rubber voiced optimism that the market and investment situation would see marked…
In light of the disappointing January-July export performance, the General Directorate of Rubber voiced optimism that the market and investment situation would see marked…
Indonesia, like most emerging economies, is not immune to the impact of surging food prices induced by the current supply disruption.
Limited fertilizer supplies in the past few months have driven prices up significantly, especially in March-May.
Vietnamese durians have made a name for themselves as a great-tasting fruit for consumers overseas, but still have a long way to go to maintain their position on the international…
Vice-director of China’s National Climate Center Yuan Jiashuang warns that this will affect the balance of water resources, make ecosystems more vulnerable and reduce crop…
Chicken suppliers and distributors argue that the export ban has created an oversupply.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the country may harvest only half its usual amount of grain this year due to the invasion.
Foodex Japan is the largest international food and beverage exhibition in Japan and attracts the attention of businesses looking to promote the trade of agricultural products.
Indonesia's domestic crude palm oil prices also suffered because of the immense oversupply and difficulties in restarting exports.