Fatigue grows in Korean presidential election riddled with scandals
A poll showed 1 in 4 voters want switch in candidates as revelations of family misbehavior, party conflict make daily headlines.
A poll showed 1 in 4 voters want switch in candidates as revelations of family misbehavior, party conflict make daily headlines.
Park, 69, has been serving a combined 22-year term since March 2017 for charges including abuse of power and bribery.
A UN news report also quoted the experts as urging authorities to repeal the laws that target Kashmiri civilians and human rights activists.
Police confirmed these killings and said search operations have been launched at both places by security forces.
The panel did not address the issue of whether the continuation of the current male-only succession system is workable.
The strongest storm to hit the archipelago this year cut a swathe through Siargao, a tropical paradise known for its sandy beaches.
Producing about one-quarter of the country's total grain output, black soil plays an important role in ensuring China's food supply.
Executions are carried out in high secrecy in Japan, where prisoners are not informed of their fate until the morning they are hanged.
The 37-year-old formally rose to power on Dec 30, 2011, 13 days after his father Kim Jong-il died.
According to a report, the drug is strictly not recommended for paediatric age children.