Two Thai monks become social media stars
The duo's livestream mixes traditional Buddhism teachning with jokes and giggles.
The duo's livestream mixes traditional Buddhism teachning with jokes and giggles.
As the prolonged pandemic led to changes in social behavior, it has prompted questions in the industry over whether staying open until late at night will actually lead to…
The new law takes effect on Jan 1 and will place responsibility on parents and guardians for children's education.
Despite the measures, however, some anti-virus restrictions, including a mask-wearing rule, will remain in place after November.
The ruling party lost the seat in Shizuoka, one of the two seats closely watched as a bellwether of public support for LDP.
The Health Ministry has issued a ban on election-related gatherings in Melaka from Oct 25 to Nov 27 over concerns of Covid-19 and SOP violations.
The Health Minister said he met with his Singapore counterpart, Ong Ye Kung, during a transit at Changi International Airport while en route to a World Health Organisation…
The need for a better architecture of climate finance is more loudly pronounced now than ever before.
Concerns over the liberal use of mosque loudspeakers in packed urban centers have been a topic of profound sensitivity in the Muslim-majority country
The largest opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan could secure more than the 110 seats it previously held in the lower house, the poll showed.