The first step towards a gender-inclusive political system
The constraints to women representatives aren't just limited to systemic power limitations but also social and financial.
The constraints to women representatives aren't just limited to systemic power limitations but also social and financial.
The decree is expected to replace an outdated, less binding circular introduced some 10 years ago.
The authorities said the supply of fresh food from China was stable and urged the public from over-purchasing.
24% of the 1,440 respondents nationwide said their lives got better while 36% said it remains unchanged compared to a year ago.
81% of respondents also thought Russia’s attempt to unilaterally change the status quo by force would affect other regions.
Until now, the country had the lowest minimum age of sexual consent in Asia and one of the lowest worldwide.
Home-based workers are predominantly workers without formal contracts, forced to endure poor working conditions.
Almost half of Malaysia’s working-age population are women, but only about half (53.5%) of them are in the workforce.
Thanks to training classes on gender equality, the local women have also become more active in village affairs.
Over 25.7 million Indonesians work in the wholesale and retail trade, accounting for nearly 40% of the whole service workforce.