India rejects US panel’s report on religious freedom
The US Commission on International Religious Freedom alleged a “deteriorating and concerning trajectory” for religious freedom in India this year.
The US Commission on International Religious Freedom alleged a “deteriorating and concerning trajectory” for religious freedom in India this year.
The magazine selected Dr Mahrang for her peaceful advocacy as well as her December 2023 march to Islamabad, where she and hundreds of women marched for “justice for their…
Thailand's military police arrested the investigative journalist after he posted about a controversial quarry operation.
Commission on Filipinos Overseas chair Romulo Arugay in a "Bagong Pilipinas Ngayon” television interview, said that marriages with Americans remain at the top of the list,…
According to Rep. Choi Ki-sang of the Democratic Party of Korea, citing data from the National Tax Service, the number of gig workers increased from 6 million in 2018 to 8.3…
The man, who is in his 30s and had defected more than a decade ago, told the police that he was trying to return to North Korea after struggling to settle in the South, the report…
The move has sparked debate among shoppers over the affordability, practicality, and availability of alternative options.
The Prime Minister said the move would be unpopular but necessary for the country.
As director of operations at the Child Protection Unit, part of the Cambodian Children's Fund, James McCabe, an Australian and former detective, has played a key role in…
This represents 4.1 per cent of youth in the country, a higher proportion than the 3.7 per cent in 2013.