Closing the gender gap: 2024 WEF report reveals “very little progress”
Overall, the gender gap is getting smaller, but given the current collective pace, it will take 134 years or five generations to reach full parity in 2158.
Overall, the gender gap is getting smaller, but given the current collective pace, it will take 134 years or five generations to reach full parity in 2158.
Records of Americans’ experiences in the Philippines during the first 16 years of American occupation (1900-1916) consistently emphasise the significance of food during that…
Ruling party leaders, cops, and hawkers’ associations get cuts from the vendors.
As a research satellite, Elite is expected to spend about 1.5 years in space to test some novel, home-grown devices and see if it is possible for more Singapore satellites to fly…
Due to allegations that the driver was only 17 years — while the legal driving age in Pakistan is 18 years — netizens believe that the suspect’s parents should be held…
Wholesale and retail trade is one segment that barely pays any direct taxes and often creates the most noise whenever there is any effort to extract even a minimal amount of tax.
"Yamibaito," or shady part-time work in Japanese, promises a lofty payout for minimal work. Such work, however, is often illegal and runs the gamut from murder to armed robbery,…
City is cleaner and better, but its benefits are not reaching the economically disadvantaged residents relying on street vending for livelihood, they say.
A lack of opportunities for Generation Z Indonesians, or those born in the late 90s and first decade of this century, may result in income loss and higher crime rates, experts…
Rather than finding a compatible partner, South Koreans often seek those who rank highest in economic and social aspects, like by graduating from a prestigious university or…