How we can mitigate the effects of rising inequality
Data from the past Household Income and Expenditure Surveys carried out by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics over the last two decades clearly indicate the trend pointing to the…
Data from the past Household Income and Expenditure Surveys carried out by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics over the last two decades clearly indicate the trend pointing to the…
A Kanazawa potter has been fusing together fragments of tea bowls, which were shattered during the massive Noto Peninsula Earthquake, from three generations of artists — his…
Korea possesses valuable expertise in enhancing human and social capital, which is essential for the economic development and sustainable growth of African countries, says Park…
The Imperial House Law limits the Imperial succession to male offspring of the male line. For the situation in which the Imperial family becomes unable to maintain itself,…
While the minimum standard of adequate living is a bit more than 7 square metres per person, on average, there are 17 Jakartans living to each 1 sq m of the city.
Fellow ASEAN members are likely waiting to see whether Singapore's new prime minister makes good on his promise about his leadership style, hopefully one that will not repeat the…
A group of 15 friends would feed and rescue countless animals in their respective neighbourhoods. They also collaborated with other organisations to spay and neuter dogs in their…
Talking about systemic responsibilities and loopholes, the experts said the Delhi High Court had held that once the JJB has decided on the age of the child, the same could be used…
The Monpas are considered among the earliest settlers in Bhutan.
The special technique of Tibetan embroidery renders a three-dimensional effect, as if the designs are about to jump out of the cloth.