US calls on China to remove missiles from Spratly Islands
For the first time, the United States called on China to remove missiles it deployed on three fortified outposts it built in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. The United…
For the first time, the United States called on China to remove missiles it deployed on three fortified outposts it built in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. The United…
President Xi Jinping met with former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Thursday. President Xi Jinping called for coordinated…
Asia Bibi was initially found guilty of blasphemy and sentenced to death. After her release from Multan’s women prison in the light of the Oct 31 Supreme Court verdict…
Henry Kissinger said that US and Chinese trade negotiators should avoid getting bogged down in details and first explain to each other what objectives they are seeking to achieve.…
Even the strongest body part of plane broke apart, says Indonesian official. Indonesia’s National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) said on Monday (Nov 5) that the Lion…
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Sunday he will meet with his North Korean counterpart in New York at the end of this week. Pompeo said in two separate interviews that his…
The US Justice Department’s first charges against individuals related to the pillaging of the Malaysia investment fund known as 1MDB offers several new insights into the global,…
Search and rescue crews are still searching the area using sonar to recover debris and material. Indonesian transport minister Budi Karya has ordered local airlines Lion Air and…
The search for Lion Air flight JT610 is now focused under water, with 30 skilled divers being deployed to the Java Sea to search for the main body of the aircraft. The search for…
Regulation of social media, like regulation of the press, should not be attempted less it offer another way for despots to control their population. When the printing press first…