Seoul’s new digital library hopes to make learning interactive
An effort is underway to bring the books, especially old texts, closer to readers using latest technologies.
An effort is underway to bring the books, especially old texts, closer to readers using latest technologies.
One livestreaming session at a publisher lasts about three hours, covering the 103 books.
Indonesian author Feby Indirani has distinguished herself as an author who is capable of presenting the lives of Indonesian Muslims through an intimate and sympathetic eye.
The book starts conventionally with the eponymous protagonist, a hacker extraordinaire whose handle is Alif, the first letter of the Arabic alphabet.
The exhibition of photos, poems written from conflict regions show writer Park No-hae’s love for humanity
Lahiri, the London-born American daughter of Indian immigrants, is finally returning to English - but aslant - with Whereabouts, her translation of her first Italian novel Dove Mi…
An official online version of the Cihai, a large-scale dictionary and encyclopedia of the Chinese language, has been released.