Debate on samsui woman mural heats up with mural artist, Aware weighing in—and memes galore
The controversy erupted when artist Sean Dunston took to Instagram to say URA had ordered the erasure of a cigarette from a mural at 297 South Bridge Road.
The controversy erupted when artist Sean Dunston took to Instagram to say URA had ordered the erasure of a cigarette from a mural at 297 South Bridge Road.
Despite the increased worldwide attention, the Korean food manufacturer remains cautious. Officials from Samyang Roundsquare affirmed the company acknowledges the situation,…
Her first video had been viewed more than 28.2 million times and her account had amassed more than five million followers as of June 20 afternoon.
Online support groups help members reach academic, financial, and health goals.
The fish has been likened to a French bulldog, American actor Steve Buscemi, a grumpy old man, and Gollum from the Lord of the Rings.
The video, which was uploaded on June 3, received 73,000 views, 48,000 shares and 6,029 comments as at June 5.
She has become a social-media sensation at the age of 75, after her efforts to beautify roads in Buri Ram caught a passerby’s interest.
In Thailand, there are about 2 million influencers, the second largest number in ASEAN after Indonesia.
While some are praising the human rights lawyer and apologising for criticising her silence on Palestine, others are calling her out for 'two side-ism.'
A senior national security official in New Delhi said authorities are concerned about the possibility of fake news leading to unrest.