HK should brace itself for potential US decoupling
Washington is taking gradual steps to decouple from China under the pretext of “de-risking” because US' economic ties with China are too strong, notes the writer.
Washington is taking gradual steps to decouple from China under the pretext of “de-risking” because US' economic ties with China are too strong, notes the writer.
In its report, the IMF says that among many other reasons for popular discontent, the postponement of local government elections has been a source of popular discontent, notes the…
Inward-looking or protectionist measures can exacerbate crisis conditions, notes the writer.
Inflation is the biggest challenge for low-income and middle-class people in the country; controlling it must be the government's top priority.
As the latest digital technology, AI appears to be developing along the same highly clustered path of previous digital services, driven by its need for deep pools of pre-existing…
The writers say that the social contract between the public and the government needs to be strengthened to ensure the viability of the economy.
As the world's largest archipelago nation and one that is rich in biodiversity and cultural heritage, Indonesia has always been well-suited to champion this cause.
The paper says mounting debt and dwindling foreign exchange reserves are two of the nation's biggest challenges, which, without immediate fiscal reform, could lead to total…
A lifeline for all electronic devices and systems, the global semiconductor industry is set to grow exponentially in the coming decade.
Stuck in the midst of grave human resource and financial troubles, Pakistan is contending with complex challenges that need to be addressed and tackled simultaneously if it is to…