A hasty retreat: Dawn
Much harm has already been caused to national unity by the authorities’ mishandling of the PTI protest march and the violence that surrounded it.
Much harm has already been caused to national unity by the authorities’ mishandling of the PTI protest march and the violence that surrounded it.
For those who closely watched the state of the race, there was nothing from the quick count results on Wednesday afternoon that came as a surprise.
The government spends only 0.7 percent of GDP on health which is the second lowest globally.
With tensions running high in Islamabad, one hopes this stand-off will be resolved through politics and dialogue.
Given that he is also the President, Mr. Prabowo's display of support for certain candidates runs counter to the principle of impartiality.
Shocking is the fact that the six students involved in the bullying were sentenced to death earlier this year.
The super-rich’s carbon consumption fuels inequality, hunger, and excess deaths. Exorbitant carbon emissions result in hotter temperatures, significantly affecting crop yields,…
A selective morality shows that Duterte’s legacy has less to do with justice and more with reinforcing a system that strikes down the marginalised while sparing the powerful. It…
Bangladesh is the poster child for climate change holding seventh position on the Global Climate Risk Index 2021.
It has been one setback after another for the former prime minister, with one side clamouring for him to be punished while his supporters claim that justice has not been served.