The mess Pelosi left for Asia
Taiwan’s space to manoeuvre diplomatically has shrunk rather than expanded, while the rest of Asia, including Japan and India, must now pick up the pieces.
Taiwan’s space to manoeuvre diplomatically has shrunk rather than expanded, while the rest of Asia, including Japan and India, must now pick up the pieces.
It ought to give South-east Asian nations, not to mention countries such as India and Australia, pause for thought at the very least.
Without advanced semiconductors, the American economy and defence production will grind to a halt.
The writer says former colonizers must not only annul the debts but also pay back what they have taken from their former colonized countries.
The paper says the trade pact offers Indonesia an opportunity to increase its bargaining position in the global value chain.
The natural disaster Pakistan is facing is not an outcome of its own policy options but a consequence of choices made by others.
It is important for the Japan Coast Guard, which is responsible for taking police action at sea, and the SDF, in charge of national defense, to work closely together and train on…
For Indonesian Muslims, both moderate and conservative, as long as Palestinian people are oppressed by the Israelis, they will not support the idea.
Amid the intensifying US-China conflict, South Korea may be forced to more clearly support the United States.
The writer says the Philippines should focus on resolving the climate emergency and social inequities, and preventing future pandemics.