A new world disorder: The Jakarta Post
Indonesia, while it has been spared from Trump's crosshairs thus far, needs to start shoring up support and getting its house in order as the world descends into a new state of…
Indonesia, while it has been spared from Trump's crosshairs thus far, needs to start shoring up support and getting its house in order as the world descends into a new state of…
Diplomacy is not just about policies and deals but also about personalities, communication, and the careful management of egos.
In theory, all want peace. With hundreds of thousands injured or killed and hundreds of billions of foregone revenues and economic destruction, the last people who want to…
By ignoring the responsibility of the aggressor, the United Nations Security Council's resolution on the Russia-Ukraine war inadvertently emboldens dictators and rule-breakers…
Europe in limbo as former bitter enemies US and Russia work towards cooperation under a new global order.
It’s not only the country's growing size but also its deepening resolve that has made it an increasingly pivotal player in the world’s most geopolitically relevant region, the…
A country under attack is a country under attack, and an aggressor country is an aggressor country. This distinction does not change based on whether the country is in the North…
If President Trump thinks that he can bamboozle the rest of the world into getting what he wants, the rest of the world has ways of making him get a rude awakening.
The second Trump presidency has proven even more disruptive than its first iteration—and perhaps no other power is happier with the direction of Trump’s foreign policy than…
Whether Mr. Trump can coerce Arab States to get what he wants remains to be seen.