What awaits Bangladesh’s climate change adaptation in 2023?
In 2022, the most important progress in Bangladesh's climate policy has been the approval of the National Adaptation Plan of Bangladesh (NAP) in October.
In 2022, the most important progress in Bangladesh's climate policy has been the approval of the National Adaptation Plan of Bangladesh (NAP) in October.
Despite having no evidence to prove that Islam was under threat, certain ultra-Malay politicians have repeatedly brandished that threat as if it were real, says the writer.
Metaphorically speaking, South Korea is like a soccer team on the field in an international competition. In order to win, we must be united as a team first, the author writes.
This former ambassador writes, “Looking ahead at key geopolitical trends and challenges in 2023, their overarching aspect is uncertainty and unpredictability.”
Despite huge advancements crowned in 2020 by the elevation of the EU as strategic partner of ASEAN, this reckoning still resembles a half empty glass, the author states.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has revealed how incapable an authoritarian regime is of rectifying its leader’s ill-advised decisions, the author states.
Huang Runqiu, China's minister of ecology and environment and COP 15 president, said the aim is to ensure biodiversity loss is halted and reversed by 2030.
Organisers repeatedly playing the incorrect tune instead of the national anthem during Hong Kong’s participation in international sports tournaments have raised eyebrows.
With Arab countries now attaching greater value to relations with China, the region is bound to become an increasingly important platform for China's diplomacy.
Japan and South Korea's dazzling performance have awakened Chinese soccer fans to how big the gap is between the two teams and the Chinese national team.