Living in the animal kingdom
For instance, just as animals do over territorial disputes, there are some political leaders in the world today who start wars by invading other countries in the name of…
For instance, just as animals do over territorial disputes, there are some political leaders in the world today who start wars by invading other countries in the name of…
The Bangladesh-India-US triangle can best be described as an isosceles structure, with two long and sturdy sides represented by robust Bangladesh-US and India-US ties, and a short…
The situation in the Middle East is deteriorating day by day. In the past, during such crises, the US would intervene to manage the situation. However, such interventions seem…
Overseas-based tech giants like Meta, Google, Apple, X, Netflix or Amazon have become so powerful and dominant that some nation-states have difficulty controlling and curbing…
Washington's backing, however, isn't just economic; it's also a strategic signal to regional powers that the situation in Bangladesh is of global concern. This development aligns…
India’s diplomatic approach toward the Myanmar conflict is undergoing a subtle yet potentially transformative shift.
Liberal democracy, both in the US and globally, is under strain. By examining this through the lenses of civilization, democracy and liberalism, we can grasp how these essential…
Following extreme heatwaves in almost every corner of the world, heavy rains and floods shocked the global community. This is becoming a pattern.
Everyone involved, directly or indirectly, in the Israel-Gaza war have their own interests at the forefront. For Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli PM, the longer the war continues,…
Whether it is an arranged marriage organized through traditional matchmakers or a Western-style wedding planned by the couple themselves after multiple dates and perhaps a period…