Asia’s largest cities lack water security
The issue is exacerbated by climate change where extreme weather events such as drought and floods are becoming more common.
The issue is exacerbated by climate change where extreme weather events such as drought and floods are becoming more common.
Despite all the controversies and criticism, FIFA and Qatar are going ahead with the 2022 World Cup which will kick off with Senegal playing the Netherlands on Nov 21.
The writer says purposeless reading has brought about relaxation and comfort.
Despite 30 years of United Nations climate change conferences, global greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, and the climate crisis continues to worsen.
In a win-all sporting world especially, we've turned 'second place' into an insult.
Indonesia harbors the largest area and diversity of mangrove ecosystems in the world that stores 3.14 billion tons of CO2, playing a significant role in mitigating global climate…
The writer says Kindle's shutdown, just like its unrivalled success in China in the years following its launch, should be attributed to the ways of the market economy.
The goal of protecting 30 percent of our global ocean will require an unprecedented level of innovation, collaboration and commitment across a broad spectrum of stakeholders.
While France and Germany remain Europe’s biggest economies, their political dominance is being eroded by their policies on Russia.
As the war drags on, expect more displays of independence from countries taking stands in their own interest, not along the basis of alignment.