Royalists urge senators to oppose lese majeste law amendment
The group is opposed to any amendment or abolition of Article 112 aimed at protecting the monarchy, saying that it was now an important factor whether people would support…
The group is opposed to any amendment or abolition of Article 112 aimed at protecting the monarchy, saying that it was now an important factor whether people would support…
Three of the complaints accused the Move Forward Party of breaking laws that protect the monarchy, a source said.
The Election Commission ordered the recounts after discovering a mismatch between the total number of votes cast and the voter turnout in the elections.
It is expected that the recount will take place on June 11, and the updated results will be announced within this month.
When asked if he would return if the formation of a new government was not complete, she said the existence of a caretaker government would not affect Thaksin's return.
The party also reaffirmed its plan to do the opposite, saying it wants to make it easier for foreign nationals to work in Thailand and to expand access to labour protection for…
Buoyed by massive youth support behind its anti-establishment, anti-monopoly agenda, Mr Pita’s progressive Move Forward Party was the surprise winner of May’s election.
The politicians also joined the parade and also spoke to the crowd of thousands of LGBTQ+ participants, vowing to implement legislation to promote same-sex marriage and gender…
According to the non-governmental organisation Deep South Watch, at least 7,423 people have been killed in the southern insurgency since the robbery of firearms in 2004.
Though Move Forward Party leader Pita Limjaroenrat has neither confirmed nor denied reports that he has offloaded his 42,000 shares in ITV, his party’s secretary-general is…