From ‘poor boy’ to global stardom, Rodtang Jitmuangnon realizes his ultimate dream

The 24-year-old Muay Thai world champion recently posted on Facebook that he has finally bought a house for both of his parents and is able to give them a better life through resolve.

Sheena Suparman

Sheena Suparman

The Jakarta Post


Rodtang Jitmuangnon screams inside the Circle ahead of his fight against Jacob Smith at ONE 157 on May 20. (./.)

July 1, 2022

JAKARTA – As one of the most recognizable names in combat sport in the current era, Rodtang “The Iron Man” Jitmuangnon has gone a long way since his upbringing in rural Thailand to a global megastar.

The ONE flyweight Muay Thai world champion finally has the means to make his dream a reality. The young star has given back to his parents who have supported him fully in his Muay Thai career.

The 24-year-old recently posted on his Facebook that he has finally been able to buy a house for both of his parents and give them a better life through his determination. The Jitmuangnon product thanked all those that were involved in his life to make this possible and his fans for being there to support him to this point.

“Thank you everyone. Thank you for all of you that have been involved,” he wrote in the caption, describing himself as a poor boy before he knew Muay Thai. “I have bought a house for my mother and building my father his very own house, I have enough money to take care of my family. Thank you Muay Thai for giving me everything.”

The young athlete felt very indebted to both of his parents, as they were the first people who pushed him to pursue his sports career and inspired him to work as hard as possible like they did to try to make a living for a big family. Even though Rodtang admitted that his parents do not understand Muay Thai, his parents encouraged their son to pursue the martial art to have a better life than them. “They both supported my career, but they aren’t Muay Thai people. They aren’t involved. My mother doesn’t even like watching my fights,” Rodtang explained. “My parents raised me to fend for myself. I realized through Muay Thai, I can provide for myself and my family.”

Being an athlete in Thailand’s national sport is not an easy life, every fighter needs to push himself through grueling training regimes and active competition schedules in order to reach the top. But Rodtang rose through all the adversities the sport gave him, being recruited by the famed Jitmuangnon Gym because of his grit and earning a World Title through his dedication.

The young Thai has given his best in every showing and has never had any desire to complain or to give less than 100 percent in his matches. He believes that giving all he has in a fight gives the sacrifices and hard work that his parents did for him a meaning.

“My parents worked way harder than I ever had to. I am indebted to them and want to repay what they did for us growing up,” he told ONE Championship in a past interview. “My mom taught me to fight for my life and have a strong heart. Fighting can be hard sometimes, but my life is easier than them, so I can’t give up.”

His tenacity led him to ONE Championship where he is currently dominating the flyweight Muay Thai division. CEO of ONE Chatry Sityodtong commented on his Facebook post, congratulating him on his achievement. Rodtang replied with thanks to the man that made him a megastar on the world stage.

Rodtang is currently competing in the semi-finals of the ONE flyweight Muay Thai world grand prix where he will face Savvas Michael. No date has been announced, but fans can expect a cracker when the two stars collide.

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