Paetongtarn insists Thaksin not shadow PM, says he is building strength

Paetongtarn, who is the Pheu Thai Party leader, said Thaksin has no plans to come out of the house to meet reporters or his supporters in the near future.

The Nation

The Nation



Paetongtarn said that when she received a phone call from Thaksin asking her to come for dinner, she thought that his health had apparently improved, as he sounded cheerful. PHOTO: THE NATION

February 27, 2024

BANGKOK – After the dinner, Thaksin’s youngest daughter, Paetongtarn, posted to her Instagram page a a photo of herself and her elder brother Panthongtae and sister Pintongta, saying it was a memorable day for the Shinawatra family.

“Dining at Chan Song La. It’s another memorable day for our family. Dad invited us to have dinner for just the five of us. (In-laws and grandchildren will have to wait for their turn next week),” said Paetongtarn.

“Dad said the atmosphere was like the good old days and the dining table is the same, except all the children have grown up.”

The talks at the dining table were amicable and full with understanding, Paetongtarn added.

“I would like to thank mom and dad for raising us to love one another. (Dad always said this was the merit of mom),” Paetontarn said in the post.

“I’m very happy that our Chan Song La residence has Dad now.”

Thaksin was been released on parole on February 18 and moved to the family mansion. The reason for the release was cited as his having “served” at least six months of his jail term, as well as having poor health and being over 70 years old. His divorced wife and three children each live on their own elsewhere.

When Paetongtarn arrived at Chan Song La, she told reporters that she had come for dinner with the five family members without their spouses and children.

She said that when she received a phone call from Thaksin asking her to come for dinner, she thought that his health had apparently improved as he sounded cheerful.

In any case, Paetongtarn said, doctors had advised Thaksin to stay at home and avoid going outside.

“He sounded happier. He is very active person. The fact that he had to stay at the same place for a long time made him sad,” Paetongtarn said.

“Thaksin said he got to climb stairs for the first time [in six months]. He said he felt ache in the legs but he tried to walk up. He has been locked up for a long time, so he must adapt himself.”

Paetongtarn, who is the Pheu Thai Party leader, said Thaksin has no plans to come out of the house to meet reporters or his supporters in the near future.

“But I believe Thaksin definitely wants to meet with both red-shirt people and his supporters. Many relatives have not yet met with him. They will gradually come to visit him.”

The youngest daughter said she would wait for her father to develop strong immunity before she would let people visit him or let him come out to meet supporters.

Paetongtarn added that she also wanted Thaksin to meet Pheu Thai MPs and members to boost their morale, but it would have to wait until his health becomes much stronger.

When asked whether a visit by Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin at Chan Song La on Saturday led to a perception that Thailand has two prime ministers simultaneously, Paetongtarn said Srettha had full authority as the prime minister and no one should raise the issue again.

After Paetongtarn entered the house, she posted pictures of dishes on the dining table, including a spaghetti dish, along with khai kwam, a traditional northern dish made of boiled eggs which stuffed with minced pork and then deep fried.

The former Pheu Thai MP for Surin, Prasit Chaisisa, turned up at the Chan Song La residence late Sunday morning, hoping to Thaksin. He was turned down, as he had not made an appointment in advance.

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