Two pilots involved in military aircraft crash in Binh Dịnh found safe
Both pilots were reported to be in stable condition and have been brought down from the mountain.
Both pilots were reported to be in stable condition and have been brought down from the mountain.
According to court documents, the maid allegedly failed to ensure the safety of the victim that day by taking her to cross a road at an unsignalised junction without holding on to…
Colonel Son and Senior Colonel Quan successfully ejected at approximately 11am, landing safely near the TB2 shooting range in Tay Son District.
The 14-year-old was reportedly playing around with a friend when she sat on a broken chair. The chair's seating cover gave way, causing her to slip into the resulting hole at…
Authorities reveal a teacher bought the rat poison to address a rodent problem in the school’s storage room, which is adjacent to the children's classroom.
As authorities investigate the death of a teenager while charging his handphone on a bus, an expert says that charging ports in vehicles for long distance travel must be certified…
48 UXO-related incidents have occurred so far this year, in which nine people were killed. 62.5 percent of those injured or killed were children, with most accidents caused by…
The tragedy claimed 159 lives, most of them young adults, during Halloween celebrations on October 29, 2022.
The Justice Department’s lawsuit was brought as part of a legal action initiated by Grace Ocean and Synergy to limit their liability for the crash to US$44 million, a sum…
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore said in a statement that the fire on board Malta-flagged tanker Med Atlantic started in the engine room.