Korean investment in Cambodia targets agricultural exports
Korean Senior Citizens Association of Cambodia vice president Kim commended the quality and taste of Cambodian agricultural products, noting their popularity in Korea and the…
Korean Senior Citizens Association of Cambodia vice president Kim commended the quality and taste of Cambodian agricultural products, noting their popularity in Korea and the…
The assertion followed a study that highlighted that the Microfinance sector is a potent economic driver and a significant force in achieving SDGs.
PM Manet expressed his belief that the company’s promotional work will make a significant contribution to the recovery of the Kingdom’s tourism industry.
PM Manet said that he did not want to reach such a decision, but Governor Yon had been given time to change his behaviour and had not done so.
The notice explained that passports would be provided to people aged 15 and over. Applicants must provide several documents issued by the Cambodian embassy abroad.
The exports generated over $4.306 billion, with shipments of milled rice valued at over $567 million, unmilled paddy rice at $939 million and other agricultural products amounting…
Huy Vanna, secretary-general of the Housing Development Association of Cambodia, noted that the global slowdown in real estate and construction markets has significantly impacted…
In a warning issued, the embassy said that last year many Thais were lured to work for call centre gangs in Cambodia. Some of the victims have been sentenced to 50 years in jail…
The contest focuses on criteria including decoration, design, hygiene, environment, security, safety, order and the satisfaction and enjoyment of tourists and participants.
The CamboJa report claimed that 44 journalists or independent media outlets had faced some form of harassment in 2023, especially in the months leading up to the July 23 general…