Malaysia’s padi farmers losing half their income due to hot spell
70-year-old padi farmer Abdul Rahman Musa said many padi farmers in Pendang were taking on other jobs to earn income during the hot spell.
70-year-old padi farmer Abdul Rahman Musa said many padi farmers in Pendang were taking on other jobs to earn income during the hot spell.
A recent report pointed out various vulnerabilities linked to climate change, such as the Himalayas experiencing a three-fold increase in average temperature compared to the…
The new rule, introduced in May last year, allows permit holders to collect sediment, including sea sand, and use it for land reclamation, private and state infrastructure…
Evapotranspiration is the process in which water is transferred from the land to the atmosphere by evaporation from the soil and other surfaces, as well as by transpiration from…
The Crops Drought app allows farmers to follow the drought situation, damage to crop, soil moisture, weather forecast, and drought-prone areas up to four months in advance.
Unlike in temperate regions, the cues that trigger tropical forest renewal are discordant, with no sharp changes in temperature or rainfall that serve as obvious signals for the…
In the Old Town, which is home to many colonial-era buildings, flooding to a depth of 50 centimetres has prevented motorists from traversing the area.
Office of Civil Defense director Raul Fernandez said that for a local government to be placed under state of calamity, at least 15 percent of its population must be in need of…
The Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology has forecast that the Kingdom could see temperatures as high as 41 degrees during the hottest part of the year in April and May.
Malaysian Medical Association president Dr Azizan Abdul Aziz said extremely hot weather can increase the risk of dehydration and heat stroke and advised Muslims to replenish…