Crypto crime volume hits all-time high on the back of more sanctions
These illegal transactions include human trafficking, ransomware, stolen funds, terrorism financing, scams, cybercrimes, fraud and the Darknet market.
These illegal transactions include human trafficking, ransomware, stolen funds, terrorism financing, scams, cybercrimes, fraud and the Darknet market.
A total of 539 Party members were disciplined in 2022 for corruption and wrongdoings.
The cases were mainly investment scams, job scams, e-commerce scams, Internet love scams and government official impersonation scams.
In a culture of impunity, the difference between life and death is often decided by the individual choice of the criminals.
Mohamed Khairul Riduan Mohamed Sarip was influenced by radical videos online, including the teachings of foreign preachers.
A Taliban official said a suicide bomber wanted to enter the ministry, but he could not reach his target.
Authorities have accused Lukas Enembe of granting contracts worth up to Rp 40 billion between 2019 and 2021, for construction projects to a company with an inexperienced track…
According to sources, the evaluation could not confirm that Yamagami was in a mental state that could affect his criminal liability.
Calling the probe a "political trap" set by the prosecution, he accused public prosecutors of fabricating evidence to make it seem like the companies' advertising spending on a…
People visit throughout the day at the street near the Kintetsu Line station where the shooting took place.