China set to test 13 million for Covid-19 in Zhengzhou, Henan
The mass-testing order came as case numbers in the locked-down city of Xi’an fell to their lowest in weeks.
The mass-testing order came as case numbers in the locked-down city of Xi’an fell to their lowest in weeks.
Since the pandemic began, Thailand has had a total of 2.2 million infections and nearly 22,000 coronavirus-related fatalities.
Under the bubble arrangement, those who have received at least one Covid-19 vaccine dose can enter regulated venues by showing proof.
Amid rising numbers of new cases for over a week, several Indian states have already announced curbs that include curfew in Kolkata.
According to the Health secretary, Metro Manila now has the highest Covid-19 two-week growth rate at 1,475 percent.
Early studies have suggested the new variant is more likely to cause reinfections than other strains.
The court said that the vaccine pass policy indirectly forces a personal choice and therefore denies people the right to self-determination.
The system crash meant that locals were unable to access their Covid infection status after the city started a round of nucleic acid tests.
The team's findings suggested that Omicron is unlikely to be able to evade T cells.
A spokesperson said the health agency already advised hospitals to prepare their facilities for a possible rise in coronavirus cases.