China’s elderly taking advantage of off-peak tours
A limited choice of tourism products and a lack of tourism services tailored specifically for the elderly — such as barrier-free facilities — were still problems when it came…
A limited choice of tourism products and a lack of tourism services tailored specifically for the elderly — such as barrier-free facilities — were still problems when it came…
Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan said policies were in place to control food inflation, including the possibility of punishing interim regional leaders.
This form of tourism helps local communities develop livelihoods and preserve their cultural heritage. It creates job opportunities, raises awareness of environmental restoration…
In the third quarter, the growth rate of private consumption moderated, expanding 6.3 percent year-on-year in real terms after growing 8.2 percent in the second quarter alongside…
A recent report by a German research institute shows that Chinese manufacturers sold 3.4 million vehicles overseas from January to September, more than Japan and Germany.
With 21 voting in the affirmative, no negative votes, and one abstention, House Bill No. 8980, which contains the national budget for next year, was approved by senators. A…
The projects are taken for energy efficiency, vaccine production, clean water and sanitation in Chattogram Hill Tracts, improving computer and software engineering education in…
Since the postwar period of rapid economic growth, a weak yen has been welcomed by Japan’s leading industries, as the currency’s depreciation is advantageous to…
The ADB has provided assistance for Da Nang in several projects, improving the land use index to better handle natural disasters and building a pre-feasibility study to relocate…
The feature gives users an automatic saving option whenever they spend money through the Pao Tang app. They can, for example, choose to save 10 baht on every purchase of 60 baht.