The Peshawar bombing is a tragic illustration of the failed policy of suing for peace with a terror group
At least where the menace of terrorism is concerned, the government and opposition need to close ranks and put up a united front.
At least where the menace of terrorism is concerned, the government and opposition need to close ranks and put up a united front.
The government should strengthen support steps to deal with shock from higher utility bills.
The paper says Europe needs to counter the rampant Islamophobia, instead of shielding these mediaeval prejudices under the guise of free speech.
Drastic reforms, realistic projections needed to prevent depletion of state pension fund.
The paper says the government must ensure proper regulation to ensure no one can take advantage of the vulnerability of farmers and ordinary customers.
The energy transmission infrastructure needs to be treated with more seriousness and its weaknesses removed as a matter of national priority.
The government should not give a wrong impression that it’s time to lower our guard, reminding people of the fact that a mix of basic hygiene practices, vaccination and masking…
Thanks to the continued efforts, there are signs that people are steadily getting back to a normal life.
The paper says the government must investigate the grave allegations of power abuse raised in the Human Rights Watch report.
It is not curable yet, but the quality of life of those affected can be improved with medical care and a supportive environment.