Flu season sees rising cases in Malaysia
General practitoner Dr BS Goh said people of any age can catch the influenza virus. He advises annual vaccination as the primary and most effective way to prevent influenza and…
General practitoner Dr BS Goh said people of any age can catch the influenza virus. He advises annual vaccination as the primary and most effective way to prevent influenza and…
Nearly 1 in 5 South Koreans aged 19-39 are showing signs of prediabetic conditions, with the ratio rising to 1 in 3 among men in their 30s.
In 2022, Mr Nazri Omar started suffering a run of personal tragedies. He lost his mother due to renal failure, suffered a debilitating stroke and then lost his father to dementia…
On his early life and by his own admission, Trump was not an easy child and in the eighth grade, his parents sent him to the New York Military Academy in hopes of instilling…
When the region had no roads, horses were the only means of transportation, carrying villagers and their loads across rugged terrain and steep paths that required days of…
It's the first time the 22-year-old Zheng has qualified for the Finals, where the top-8 singles stars and doubles teams compete in round-robin groups, before progressing to the…
Gakyu Miyamoto currently has a list of about 100 projects to complete, with delivery dates stretching out as far as the year 2041.
Fishermen in an octopus fishery in West Sumbawa, Indonesia, teach tourists to make and use the bait as part of an upcoming marine eco-tourism package to safeguard the environment…
29-year-old Zhang Qihui finished the 6.6-kilometer, 23-obstacle sprint race in 3 hours, 13 minutes, and 57 seconds.
A bone from Seaman First Class Underwater Operator Jeffrey Facundo’s rib cage was taken to reconstruct his severed digit. It will take 18 months of rehabilitation after the rib…