The cruelty of slandering even dead people: The Japan News
There is no end of people online getting hurt by others’ malice. Heartless expressions can sometimes even cause someone to take their own life. And when there is a flood of…
There is no end of people online getting hurt by others’ malice. Heartless expressions can sometimes even cause someone to take their own life. And when there is a flood of…
If left unchecked, fake truths will continue to corrode the foundations of democracy.
Of the 844 doctors who sat for the exam, only 262 passed.
Pakistan’s digital rights remain hostage to the same political charades that allowed PECA to flourish in the first place.
Some comments criticised Disneyland for "cultural appropriation."
The fake page was “maliciously” using the health officials to endorse products and promote false health claims.
Much like Pokémon Go, the Jagat coin hunt game uses GPS mapping to indicate general locations where coins are hidden. However, Jagat involves staff physically hiding coins at…
A ticket shortage triggered by huge demand ahead of the May 31 deadline last year led to the situation surrounding the workers.
The restaurant, which now has five locations, offers struggling young people a chance to enjoy a hot bowl of kimchi jjigae.
Law in much of South Asia, including in Nepal, favours men, even in horrifying rape cases.