Can an IMF loan rescue Bangladesh’s economy?
Overall, Bangladesh is going through a difficult time; with factors like high inflation and depleting forex reserves weakening macroeconomic stability.
Overall, Bangladesh is going through a difficult time; with factors like high inflation and depleting forex reserves weakening macroeconomic stability.
At BDT 5 per litre, stakeholders in the aviation industry have blasted Bangladesh Petroleum for its "whimsical decision" to increase the price.
How the conflict evolves in Rakhine will shape not only the future course of Myanmar, but also the regional and global power struggle surrounding the Bay of Bengal region.
The 11.1 million children are among the almost 350 million children across Asia, who are gripped by both grinding poverty and climate disaster.
In Bangladesh, road traffic injuries are among the leading causes of death and disability.
Bangladesh needs development authorities that can properly address the concerns of the city's inhabitants, encompassing economy, public infrastructure, environment, social…
All union parishad standing committees must include and give voice to people with disabilities when making decisions.
This agreement will see enhanced cooperation between the two countries in capacity building, skills development and exchange of visits of security personnel.
If the cyclone made landfall during the high tide, the extent of damage would have been greater, meteorologist Bazlur Rashid noted.
The paper says the Bangladesh government must do more to stop the erosion of consumer's purchasing power.