Cryptocurrency rout nowhere near the end, say analysts
The vast majority of operators, brokers, lenders and investors in cryptocurrencies are unregulated, with no key prudential tools against uncontrolled capital flights from crypto…
The vast majority of operators, brokers, lenders and investors in cryptocurrencies are unregulated, with no key prudential tools against uncontrolled capital flights from crypto…
Since the launch of the vaccinated travel framework in April, Singapore has seen an uptick in visitor arrivals and hotel occupancy rates. Figures from Singapore Tourism Board…
America can no longer deter China without help from its allies.
The sale is leading some tenants to think about terminating their rental agreements.
The accused reportedly took thousands of dollars worth of dowries from the women's families, then married and divorced the women.
The study is the first to calculate the economic value of the vast diversity of wildlife and swathes of rainforests in the region.
The black T-shirt worn by President Volodymyr Zelensky had been passed to him by its Singaporean creator Ava Soh.
With Denmark and Switzerland ranking ahead of the country, Singapore is also the top Asia-Pacific economy this year, followed by Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China.
With the next wave expected to wane around August or September, and barring any new variants emerging, he said "that will be a good sign to transition from pandemic to endemic".
According to reports, the deal includes cross-border electronic payments and accepting electronic versions of trade documents so that cargo can be cleared more efficiently.