No break for animal-lover MMA fighter
The animal lover has been rescuing sick or injured kittens or cats since he was young, but started to feed the strays when the Covid-19 pandemic hit in early 2020.
The animal lover has been rescuing sick or injured kittens or cats since he was young, but started to feed the strays when the Covid-19 pandemic hit in early 2020.
The writer calls for greater policy intervention, such as targeted support for women and more stringent enforcement of anti-discrimination rules.
The groom could only watch the goings-on of his own wedding via livestream as Covid controls were made more stringent by the authorities.
From planning to leave as early as possible to preparing for the worst traffic, Malaysians are set for the biggest festive celebration in the country.
Wearing masks or social distancing when outdoors are no longer mandatory but everyone should continue to self-regulate, urged the Malaysian Health Minister.
One of the workers, Al Kasim, said he was clearing the pile when suddenly it ignited in the bin.
Chef Mohd Ibrahim Dahman introduces his own take on lemang, glutinous rice cooked with coconut milk in bamboo.
The proposals include studying the feasibility of reducing bureaucracy, streamlining investment initiatives, better management of foreign labour, among others.
He said the proposed law was aimed at ensuring that the nation's young did not end up as cigarette smokers or vaping on nicotine devices.
However, it is expected that air travel from Singapore and Indonesia would remain sluggish due to the standard operating procedures imposed when travelling to Malaysia.