US companies still see China as top market: AmCham
About 83 percent of its member companies report they are not considering relocating manufacturing or sourcing outside of China.
About 83 percent of its member companies report they are not considering relocating manufacturing or sourcing outside of China.
The per capita income in Bangladesh rose by 9 per cent year-on-year in 2021-22, according to data of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.
Most manufacturing industries have suffered, leaving only mining and raw-material producers to shine during these challenging times.
Milled rice exports amounted to 221,138 tonnes, while paddy exports totalled 1,648,474 tonnes in the first four months of 2022.
Gen Z accounts for one-third of the global population, becoming the largest generation group in the world, according to a survey.
Businesses rely on a large amount of raw materials from China, which have been affected by supply chain breakages.
Hong Kong Monetary Authority chairman Eddie Yue Wai-man believed that the hike will not undermine the stability of Hong Kong,
Singapore's robust manufacturing performance in April was in line with similar PMI gains by some of its Asian peers.
Operators from a variety of backgrounds are discovering that they can turn a profit in the burgeoning sector with a relatively small initial outlay.
Otsuka took a decision following a decline in orders during the Covid-19 pandemic.