Najib postpones Singapore trip to help Umno in Melaka polls
He plans to visit his daughter after state polls on Nov 20
He plans to visit his daughter after state polls on Nov 20
Researchers are designing a super-heavy rocket - the Long March 9 - that will likely become one of the world's largest and mightiest launch vehicles.
Up for discussion were the response to the coronavirus, economic measures during the pandemic, the distribution of wealth and more.
The party's core leadership reiterated the need to practice people-centered development philosophy
The presidential aspirant said that this stance was to protect himself as much as President Rodrigo Duterte, who are co-accused for crimes against humanity.
The ruling party does not want funds from oligarchs who contribute campaign funds with strings attached.
The Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito are aiming to build on public expectations following the inauguration of the Cabinet led by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida
While both Pacquiao and Robredo have filed their certificates of candidacy (COC) for president, the senator said he is still open to the possibility of teaming up with the vice…
Critics say it will be difficult for her to bring back former party leaders.
The new PM vowed to reflect the needs of the people in public administration by instructing all his Cabinet ministers to hold dialogues with the public.