Japan seeks to possess 1,000 long-range missiles to counter China
Japan aims to deploy the ground-launched versions as early as fiscal 2024, about two years earlier than originally scheduled.
Japan aims to deploy the ground-launched versions as early as fiscal 2024, about two years earlier than originally scheduled.
A report noted trade ties between the two countries, established in 1992, became a major driving force behind Korea’s economic growth.
A North Korean propaganda media dismissed the Yoon government’s plan to dispatch a delegation of condolences to Japan as “making a fuss to curry favour with Japan.”
China's top diplomat Yang Jiechi told Japan's national security adviser that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China.
He also lodged a protest over China’s repeated intrusions into Japanese territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture.
A spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council said that attempts to play the "Taiwan card" to block China's reunification will not succeed.
The biennial large-scale air combat exercise will host up to 100 aircraft and 2,500 personnel from 17 countries.
South Korean and US intelligence authorities are analyzing the specifications of the launched cruise missiles.
China's Defense Ministry said the attendance of the exercise aims to deepen practical and friendly cooperation with militaries of the participating countries.
Tensions could rise further next week as the United States and South Korea kick off their biggest combined military training in years to counter the North Korean threat.