Indonesia boosts social aid ahead of fuel price hike
The government has already tripled its 2022 energy subsidy allocation to Rp 502 trillion to keep prices of subsidized fuels and some power tariffs unchanged amid rising global…
The government has already tripled its 2022 energy subsidy allocation to Rp 502 trillion to keep prices of subsidized fuels and some power tariffs unchanged amid rising global…
Experts said urgent steps are needed to make power systems more resilient given the world is forecast to consume increasing amounts of electricity for heating and cooling, as well…
He also said that a silent revolution is taking shape in India with rising demand for electric vehicles.
The Chief Minister also urged the people of the state to save power as power saved was power generated.
Developing wind and solar energy can not only assist China in emergency power supplies under extreme weather conditions but also help reduce carbon emissions.
The surge in LNG prices had been triggered by a strain on global supplies as Europe grapples with the significant loss of gas flows from Russia.
While fiscal consolidation remains on track, the move would see the government take another chunk out of the state’s windfall revenue from commodity exports to keep fuel cheap.
Daqing Oilfield Co, which is more than 60 years old, has been quick to embrace cutting-edge technological solutions to revitalise its production and management.
In recent times, several links in China’s photovoltaic industry have seen volatile price fluctuations, causing illegal activities like hoarding for profit, price gouging, among…
The ministry aims to have a total of 17 nuclear reactors online to better prepare for possible electricity supply shortages.