Household savings hit major highs across China
Household savings are the main domestic source of funds to finance capital investments, a major impetus for long-term economic growth.
Household savings are the main domestic source of funds to finance capital investments, a major impetus for long-term economic growth.
The release of these projects with huge investment indicates that local governments regard them as the "driver" and "stabiliser" of economic development.
The new Law on the development and strengthening of the financial sector represents a major milestone for businesses in Indonesia.
The government has decided to take a proactive approach and implement tax and non-tax measures from February 15 instead of March 1.
He stated both governments have agreed to enhance opportunities in finance via fundraising for some Islamic economies, issuing of bonds, among others.
Kakao made the investment in part by acquiring SM's newly issued stocks through third-party paid-in capital increases.
He stated that the city will provide a full range of financial and professional services to Saudi Aramco, including assistance in listing in Hong Kong.
Out of this, 79.43 percent comprised of personal finance loan accounts, while a much smaller share was recorded for credit card and mortgage loans.
Banks are expecting their loan portfolios to grow between 10 and 12 percent this year, matching the industry-wide forecast by the Financial Services Authority.
There is hope the plan will be agreed on by the end of March, with the first tranche coming as early as in April in the best-case scenario.