Biden, Xi set to address Apec leaders amid heightened tensions
China set the tone with Mr Xi warning that the region must not return to the tensions of the Cold War era
China set the tone with Mr Xi warning that the region must not return to the tensions of the Cold War era
Both sides determined that more time was needed to prepare for the meeting, which was originally slated to take place this year
Reports of the incident stirred fresh debate between the neighbors earlier this week
The delivery of the vehicle comes at a time when China and India failed to reach an agreement during recent talks.
Washington and Beijing have launched new campaigns for global support for their respective positions.
Dr Heyzer, a former senior UN diplomat, will replace Ms Christine Schraner Burgener, who finishes up this weekend after more than three years in the role.
This will be the first time in four years that Washington will engage at the top level with the regional alliance in a move being seen as key to its strategy of pushing back…
Regional leaders agreed on the scheme last year and are set to discuss the implementation at a three-day summit that begins today (Oct 26).
India is scheduled to host the G-20 Summit in 2023 for the first tim.
During the past 50 years, China has kept its solemn commitment to the UN Charter, and made important contributions to the development of the UN.