Volcano in southern Japan erupts with massive smoke column
The Japan Meteorological Agency raised the warning level for Mount Aso to three on a scale of five, warning hikers and residents to avoid the mountain.
The Japan Meteorological Agency raised the warning level for Mount Aso to three on a scale of five, warning hikers and residents to avoid the mountain.
Department stores and automakers are increasingly focusing on online sales, which spread as a result of so-called stay-at-home demand.
Speaking at his first visit to the facility, Fumio Kishida said his government would work to reassure residents about the safety of the wastewater disposal project.
The shrine honours the war dead and is seen by neighbouring countries as a symbol of Tokyo's past militarism.
The Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito are aiming to build on public expectations following the inauguration of the Cabinet led by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida
The damage is believed to have been caused by a red tide of an unprecedented scale that has entered waters off the Pacific coast of eastern Hokkaido since mid-September.
Officials believe that the prolonged closure of schools had a significant impact on people's lives.
Japan media say he could be prioritising the elections due to take place later this month.
The new PM vowed to reflect the needs of the people in public administration by instructing all his Cabinet ministers to hold dialogues with the public.
No tsunami was caused by the quake, the Japan Meteorological Agency said.