Rice field rugby events make for splashy fun
Instead of planting rice, players were working to grow the game of rugby in a rice field on May 22 in Fujimi, Saitama Prefecture, a city known for producing the grain.
Instead of planting rice, players were working to grow the game of rugby in a rice field on May 22 in Fujimi, Saitama Prefecture, a city known for producing the grain.
In 2020, the company sold only 100 bottles of The Yamazaki 55 by lottery as the company’s oldest whisky at a price of ¥3.3 million each.
Indonesia has at least 5 million domestic workers and many of them experience hostile working conditions, including abusive treatment and given no days off or health insurance by…
Asahi Group, headquartered in Tokyo, sources the unusual ingredients from local eateries. The resulting beers have been well received by beer buffs for their “authentic”…
The artefacts are currently being stored at the National Museum in Phnom Penh for experts to gauge, clean, restore and build containers to hold the pieces.
Open to the public from May 10, the Blue House has drawn more than 770,000 visitors in a month, all curious for a glimpse into the life of their former leaders.
The overall trust in news among Filipinos has risen but there is declining trust in individual news brands.
After they are fully trained, the rats are expected to work on mine clearing for up to eight years.
Usually, trainees study Japanese several months before they travel to Japan through organizations accredited by the governments of the respective countries.
With the recent rise in cases reported in non-endemic countries, more questions have been raised about the disease.