Beijing pledges support for Kazakhstan in ending unrest
Kazakhstan has been left reeling following the unrest earlier this month, which killed 164 people, including three children.
Kazakhstan has been left reeling following the unrest earlier this month, which killed 164 people, including three children.
The economies of remote islands in particular have been hit hard by the decline in tourism due to the spread of Covid-19.
The National Recovery Council chairman said a team would be formed to conduct an in-depth study on the various sectors of the economy.
Last month, leaders from several far-right groups in India had issued calls for the ethnic cleansing of minorities in the country.
Singapore on Dec 22 last year suspended the sale of new VTL tickets for travel into the Republic or Malaysia until Jan 20.
In a video footage shared on social media, the fire was seen spreading rapidly and engulfing hundreds of shanties.
Crimped supplies are struggling to match growing demand amid accelerated digital transformation necessitated by Covid-19.
While the common narrative surrounds RCEP’s benefits, there are drawbacks. But Cambodia is willing to look past them for the greater good
President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo said 2,078 of the revoked permits were for mining, 192 for forestry and 36 for plantations.
The labor shortage rapidly worsened after restrictions on business operations were relaxed at the end of Sept 2021.